River Litter

River Litter Goodbye

On October 29, 2020 I said my goodbyes to my River Litter.

I heard my babies whispering to each other after our private good bye as I turned the lights off for the final ‘goodnight babies’ for the River litter.

Tonight was different. Momma Joi said it was our special time to say our good byes in private, then she held us one by one and whispered in our ears.

Sweet River Litter….

Remember, you were planned, you were cherished and I loved you enough to last you a life time.

I am proud to be a Badass Goldendoodle breeder! To all puppy parents, know that these amazing pups will be Leaving paw prints on your heart forever ? I know they have on mine ?

Now I rest until I am blessed again to be the first to touch another Rockwall Doodle as he/she enters the world. ❤️

She snuggled us and loved on us. She said tonight was our last night all together and tomorrow starts our new lives…

  • Minnow – Momma Joi said I is a guardian pup and someday I will get to have babies like Momma Remi had us. She said I will see her often. I don’t know what a guardian is but I’m happy I get to be one and see momma Joi again.
  • Brook – Momma looked sad but said I should be happy. My new family was going to love me for a long long time.
  • Stone– I heard Momma Joi tell me that tonights snuggles were our last so I leaned my head against her neck like I saw daddy Dalton do.
  • Bubbles– We get our forever families tomorrow and we get to go for a car ride. Momma said they were our forever families.
  • River – Momma Joi’s Hands were the first to touch us. Now she said it’s our turn to touch lives.
  • Bobber – Momma rubbed my belly when I said I wanted to stay here forever she said she was blessed to have me for 8 weeks and she brought us into this world to change lives… that was what We were born to do.
  • Pebbles – I felt Momma hugging me extra tight when she said give me one last kiss baby.
  • Creek – Momma reminded me that we are not just any doodle, We are Rockwall Doodles and that makes us extra special we take a little piece of her heart with us.
  • Delta – I licked mommas face and the water from her eyes tasted salty. She told me we own her heart forever.

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Puppy Picks at Rockwall Doodles

At Rockwall Doodles families choose their pups and leave with them the same day. Picking order is based on the order reservation fees were paid and we utilize a master list for our future puppy families.

After an application is accepted, we discuss paying the $300 reservation fee. Once a non-refundable reservation fee is paid you will be added to the master list.

When we have a confirmed pregnancy we will contact people in order that reservation fees were paid. We will give you the information about the parents, due date and anticipated go home date as well as your position for picking order.

You will have 2 days to decide if you want to be placed on the litter list offered.  If you do not want to be on that litter list you simply will remain on the master list and be contacted when our next pregnancy is confirmed. You move up the master list as people receive their puppies.

How and when will I choose my puppy?

You will not know which pup is yours until 8 weeks! At that time you will choose your puppy based on your position on the Master List.

What if I do not have first pick? Will I still get a good puppy?

At Rockwall Doodles we do puppy evaluations at 7 weeks old. This information helps us understand the environment each puppy will thrive in. We will pass on this information to everyone that has paid a reservation fee.

Each person will be able to analyze the information and use it as part of the information to choose their puppy. Allowing us to match the best pup for your lifestyle.

At your appointed time (at 8 weeks old) you will let us know what pups you are interested in from puppies that are available. We will give you our opinion and help guide you to the best fit for you and your situation.

The person that has toddlers would definitely need a different pup than the person that wants to go hiking every weekend or the person that wants a Therapy dog.

What if the puppy I wanted is already chosen?

We ask all potential Rockwall Doodles parents to keep their hearts open to all colors, coats and gender of the puppy you want to have join your family.

Decide what are your must haves in a puppy and what you are flexible on. We know and understand what environment our puppies will best thrive in.

If you do not want any of the pups that are available than we can move you to a future litter.

What if we chose a pup that you do not think is a good fit for us?

We will explain why we feel it’s not a good fit and also what we feel can be done to make it work to get the best life for our pup in your home.

Our belief is that there is no ‘best’ pup in the litter, rather the best pup for each family, their needs and their situation.

When I asked my family and close friends that knew all our pups which one they would pick, surprisingly, it was different for each person for various reasons.

When someone chooses a puppy based solely on color/looks they are not thinking of the puppies needs.

I am! My job is to find the right family for each of my pups.

types of goldendoodles

The only way you are removed from the master list position is when you receive a puppy.

Please note that I have the first 2 spots on EVERY litter. Nobody is ever first or second pick except me.

Every list will start with #3

If any person chooses to change their mind once placed on the litter list and wishes to wait for a future litter, (removing them from that particular litter list) the choice to fill their spot is mine!

I may simply move everyone up a spot or I may fill that spot with someone that needs a service dog, ESA or other situation based solely at my discretion.

When you place your reservation fee, you are acknowledging your understanding of our master list system.